Losing Lucy
The Losing Lucy series of picture books for children was inspired by my only grand-daughter, Topaz .who has spent quite a lot of time with me since she was tiny. Whilst now older than in the books, she has quite a lot of input.

Topaz and Lucy are always together, but one day, Lucy is lost in the library and Topaz is heartbroken

Topaz and Lucy are spending a few days in Port Stephens and are hoping to see some koalas as this is a well known habitat

Lots of colourful birds and interesting animals visit Grandma's garden in the Sydney suburbs. Sometimes, Topaz finds them quite alarming.

Topaz found lots of interesting things to see on a trip to Canberra with Mummy and Lucy.

Aunt Suzie is coming from England to stay with Topaz and Mummy for a couple of weeks and they are looking forward to showing her some of their favourite places in and around Sydney.

There are many funny and strange names for groups of Australian animals. There is a wisdom of wombats for one but there are many more in this colourful book for children. My 11th.

In this second book of collective nouns for animals, Topaz finds names for some more interesting groups. A scourge of mosquitos! The mischief of hopping mice! Lots to learn. My 12th book.

My latest book, Families, is about the names of various family members of Australian animals. Who are Jack and Jill? If a male swan is called a Cob, what is a female called? Find the answers in this book, along with many others.

No Place like Home is my 14th book and the 4th about native Australian animals.
Topaz has found out the names for family members and groups of animals and now she is finding where they sleep. Dens, burrows, tree hollows and more.
Lots to discover.

Topaz and Lucy

Visiting Canberra

Seeking Koala's
Prima Donna

Losing Lucy
Inspirational Women

In 1792, a 15 year old Lancashire girl arrived in Botany Bay having been accused of horse stealing. As Mary Reibey she went on to become an influential, respected and wealthy member of society and great asset to the new colony.

For a young couple with a young child and little money, a journey to New South Wales, on the other side of the world, seemed the way to secure the future. They were prepared to work hard and in time they were rewarded.

Annette Kellerman overcame a childhood disability to become a champion swimmer, diver, vaudeville performer, author and a famous Hollywood film star. She also designed the first one piece swimming costume for women.

From the splendour of Gordon Castle to the unpaved streets id Melbourne, Georgia Huntly McCrae continued to paint, despite the opposition of her husband and his family and was much admired in the new colony.


Working it out is the story of parents who work full time but make sure there is always someone to look after their 3 children.